Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Occasionally I like to take my macro lens out for a walk. The flower, according to iNaturalist, is a Bird’s eye Speedwell.
Specific Feedback
Any thought appreciated
Technical Details
Canon R5; 100 mm macro; 1/125 at f11; ISO 500
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Excellent, Allen. The ladybug is in great focus. I like the composition with the other bloom in the background.
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Allen, I find that ladybugs (my favorite bug) are not so easy to get an image of, so kudos to you for getting this shot. It looks really good in the smaller version, but when I enlarge it, it feels like it is maybe too large, and so starting to get grainy/noisy. It could be these old eyes of mine!
I love the placement of it with the flowers. Very pleasing shot.
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