Late Afternoon Virga

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Late on a day of heavy skies and occasional light rain, the sun popped through before dropping behind the mountains to the west. It did a great job of setting the Virga (falling rain that doesn’t reach the ground) aglow, in this view looking across Paradise Valley, MT.

Technical Details

R5, 24-105 @ 35, 1/800 s, f/8, iso 800, tripod.


Mark, a really fine look at this unique weather phenomenon. The BG ranch style house gives a perfect balance to the scene providing a feeling of a safe harbor with the possible storm lurking above… :pensive:
No thoughts on any changes here… :+1:

Wow What a Magical sky. I love all the different colors. There’s a lot going on in the sky both BG and FG. To me it looks like the sky is fixing to open up right above the ranch house. The rain looks like rays of light from above, almost biblical. What’s going to come down from above?
The only nit I could see is the two trees in the lower rt corner. Maybe crop a little off the rt side.

I’ve always loved these types of big sky images and how they can almost mute the landscape. The colors are warm and beautiful.

If I could change one thing, I might tone down the brightness of the clouds at the top and open up some the highlights on the hills/mountains off in the distance.

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Wonderful light at just the right time! It’s so easy to overprocess scenes like this, but you have kept it realistic.

That golden virga is sweet Mark. I do like Jason’s idea; I think the two parts of the image would be just a tad more harmonious.

Beautiful lights. I love also the running of the clouds and mountains towards the infinity. I would decrease a bit the saturation of the yellows but I know that is me.