Leaf-footed Bug

Here are two views of this Leaf-footed Bug, that @Jim_Zablotny was kind enough to ID for me. I happened to see it moving slowing through the low growth in my garden. Since I was looking for it to be some kind of Long-horned Beetle, I would have never identified it on my own. The first shot is a single shot view from the side. Jim notes that the two dots on it’s back are scent glands that it uses for defense (like a skunk) when threatened. The head-on look is a 6 shot stack, cropped to 8.5 x 11. (7D2, 180 mm macro, 1/125 s or 1/160 s, f/10, iso 800, tripod)


Wow, Mark, these are excellent images of this Leaf-footed bug, (thank you Jim, for the ID). I will keep an eye out for him in my garden, since he can let out an odor that I probably wouldn’t like. The details are terrific in both images, actually, but seeing him face on and the details you were able to capture doing the stacking is incredible. I also love the curve in the blade of grass or whatever he is on, as it just adds a nice feel to the image. The stem to the right just frames him in nicely, and the nice smooth background just makes him stand out . Great shots, and thank you for sharing all that good info as well as the images. :+1: :+1:

I totally agree with Shirley, Mark, “wow.” I like both the images, but the second on just makes me laugh. Something about the head on look . . . .like he’s saying “out of my way” . … .or “don’t you dare, or I’ll use my defense mechanisms and you won’t like the outcome” . . … Great photo.

What an interesting looking bug. Up close they seem to have so many different features like scent glands with this one. I like both poses and compositions. Lots of good detail in both photos.

Mark: Really nice POV contrast and fine images both. I prefer the first and seeing the entire critter. We have some of these or similar in our garden but I rarely shoot them. For whatever reason they are on Chrissy’s stink list and tend to get eliminated before they can be photographed. Nice find and captures. >=))>

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Beautiful photos Mark. I have no sense of smell but it is interesting how some insects use that as a defense. I really enjoy the top view but the head shot came out very nice.

Hi Mark, both very nice images. Nice details shown of a very interesting critter. The background grasses seem to give a sense of context to the images. Nice!

Mr. Stinky is very nice. The texture of the exoskeleton is very nice. Both images are pretty good, but I like the head on view because it shows the expanse of the antennae…Jim