Leaf Litter on Blackwater

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


My fascination with swamps and blackwater.

Specific Feedback

On my monitor, I can just see a down-pointing pine needle upper left corner.
What do you see?
I have my monitor calibrated to my printer is this an issue for posting?

Technical Details

Lumix S5II


Steve: Looks good to me and yes I do see the pine needle. I like all the disparate elements and colors and the tension in the water. Nicely seen, composed and presented. :+1: :+1:>=))>

A lovely composition, Steve. I do see the pine needle as well, so it’s showing up sufficiently. I love the little surface tension ripples around some of the elements.

Steve, this is a nice find and capture. Yes, the needle is showing up fine. I too like the ripples around the leaf. Plenty of lines and shapes. Well done!