Let the chips fall where they may

Nuttall’s Woodpecker

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Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Sony RX10 IV - 1/250, f4, 200 ISO, 567mm equivalent
Edited in On1 Perfect Effects

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I like this quite a bit. Love that flying wood. The bird, tree, and background all look very good. The tree has tons of character. I always find these types of shots hard to compose/crop. I’d take some off the left and right if the image quality will hold up. Also, the highlights on the bird’s chest are hot, but I dont know there was much you could do about that.

Excellent detail in both the woodpecker and the tree, Dan, and a very nice background. Given the vertical pose of the woodpecker, I think a vertical crop of some kind would suit this image better-there’s a lot more tree and background than are needed to tell the story.

The chips are awesome!

Thank you for the comments/input @Lyle_Gruby @Dennis_Plank - the composition of this shot was something I experimented with quite a bit - a vertical would have worked but I thought the horizontal set the ‘mood’ of the shot more towards what I was after. I darkened the left side some to bring the focus to the subject (hopefully that worked). And honestly liked the ivy on the right side which clinched my decision.

Love the bird, tree, ad flying wood chips. Nice BG as well.
This image begs for a vertical comp. As is, too much tree in relation to the size of the woodpecker.