Life and Death in Death Valley

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Seeing anything green in Death Valley is a rarity. So seeing this spring juxtaposition of new life next to the old & gone was a treat.

Specific Feedback

Given the extreme DOF from a phone camera, there is a lot of detail, everywhere. Do you think it adds to it, or should I try blurring the background rock a bit?

Technical Details

This was taken with my iphone. I find myself opting for my phone camer on long hikes instead of the sony these days, hoping I won’t be sorry! So gar so good…what about you?

Connie, I think your emphasis on the multitude of white branches works well. The surroundings also seem to fit and help tell the story. When I’ve lead “intro to photography” classes, I always start by saying that good photos are made by the operator…not the equipment, but it’s understanding the equipment’s capabilities (and limits) that’s the key to quality photos. There’s an intriguing sense of working through a maze in all of the white branches.

Thanks for your thoughts Mark. The white (dead) branches seem almost alive to me, in a way…

really intriguing textures and lines to enjoy. The green and rock at the bottom work nicely for me as a foundation for the scene. To my eye, flipping horizontally seems to give a little more flow down and to the right. Might consider burning/desaturating the green bush at the top.

An excellent find and presentation. I might try for some more contrast between the white branches and everything else, just to see.

Connie. I like this image. It speaks to life and death, it speaks to organic and mineral. Different shapes and textures and colors. There is so much to see and contemplate in this.

Connie: Well seen and superbly captured. I love all the myriad textures, colors and details. I could explore this for hours in a big print. Many kudos. >=))>

Interesting idea Dick - I’ll give it a look! thanks for your time - just saw this

Thank you Bill (sorry I just saw your comment) - I really like this image, but didn’t have the confidence to try it in print. Your comment is appreciated! -Connie