Lift Off

What technical feedback would you like if any? The pointy stick on the RH side can be easily removed. Does it matter?

What artistic feedback would you like if any? I was photographing this red-tailed hawk with the camera set for a vertical shot and she decided to take off. I rarely do action shots so this one is a first for me.

Pertinent technical details or techniques: D500 600mm f4 (1/1600 sec at f6.3, ISO 800) Flash set at -1/32 power, crop for comp, Levels, Shadows & Highlights, Brightness & Contrast, Topaz DeNoise AI. Enjoy…Jim

(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)

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I like the pose, in what looks like full extension. Excellent detail and perfect timing. The stick is okay, it frames the hawk and gives some substance to the perch. Either way, beautiful capture of the hawk.

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Excellent take off shot with superb detail and expression.

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Great timing on this one, Jim. Love the take off pose he is giving you. I am not bothered by the stick, as it is part of the limb his is leaving. Wonderful details and colors. No nits here, except maybe I wish it was mine! :grinning:

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A very cool shot, Jim. Great timing. The pointy stick doesn’t bother me, though I think you could crop this one tighter to emphasize that wonderful extension and then the stick might become an issue.

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Excellent action shot. You “rarely do actions shots”? Please grace us with more.

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