Light to Dark

Evening light on rain- and creek-patterned sand. Two of my favorite things - light reflecting off water and sedimentary processes.

What technical feedback would you like if any? What artistic feedback would you like if any?

Oh, anything that strikes you. Focus fell off a bit towards the bottom, but not enough to bother me.

Pertinent technical details or techniques:

Single frame, a7, 35mm, f/16, 1/60s, ISO800, hand held.

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.

Cool patterns Bonnie. I like the light pulling your eye up but out would pull the top light back some. Otherwise I love it.

Bonnie, very nice pattern here. As presented it feels that the eyes must travel quite far to reach the light on top. I am wondering if cropping off some of the image will improve the viewing experience (admittedly, I am just one sample). I would hate to lose the oblong shape that extends from the LLC to the center of the image though. It is one of the most grabbing pattern in the image, so perhaps a little bit crop from the top?

Thanks, @Greg_Stokesbury and @Adhika_Lie. I guess that light at the top is a bit much. I really liked the way the light changed across the frame, but did wonder if it would work with it being so bright at the top.

Bonnie, the patterns and the dark to light transition look great. I agree that the brightness at the very top on the left is a bit much. The water in the top right looks fine. So I’d suggest some burning-in of brightest tones in the upper left, so that they better match the upper right. This is well seen.

I quite like the image as presented. The whole concept of the dark to light works for me and I like the patterns and metallic glow. Well done.

Thanks, @Mark_Seaver. I did burn down the top and cropped off a portion that was even brighter for the version I posted. You’re with the majority that feel it doesn’t work so well. :wink:

@Harley_Goldman, thank you. Glad there’s at least one other person who’s ok with the bright top - lol.

Bonnie: I like this as presented but would also propose an alternative that for me makes the flow from dark to light more pleasing. Our western minds tend to see naturally left to right so flipping the image changes the flow and IMO reduces some of the tension others are noting. Just my 2 cents. >=))>

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Another awesome “lines and reflected light” image Bonnie. No nits from me; this works well as is.

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