Lily in the Shade —Re- Edit!

@Diane_Miller and @Barbara_Djordjevic, thanks for your feedback on the first edit! As it turns out, I posted the wrong image. But your comments gave me the chance to do a bit more editing, which is incorporated into this version. I also corrected my PS conversion to sRGB. Not sure how that got unchecked.

@Dennis_Plank, @Diane_Miller, @Jim_Zablotny — I worked on this a bit. Darkened the leaf and very slightly changed the tilt. At first, it seemed too horizontal, too predictable. So, I backed off a bit. What do you think?

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This is another image from Perry’s Water Gardens (Franklin, NC). I like how the leaf appears to be standing over the lily, appearing to shade it.

Specific Feedback

Does it work overall? Does the processing — the range of tones/values — support the elements?

Technical Details

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:
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A lovely flower and I like the arrangement of the leaves. To me the two upper leaves are just a bit too bright-given their size they tend to pull my eye toward them. Also, it feels to me as if this image could use just a touch of clockwise rotation. The flower itself is gorgeous.

@Dennis_Plank — I see what you mean about the top leaf. I’ll tone that down. I already rotated the image slightly to the right, but will do some more. It bothers me, too. Thanks!

The big version is very nice. For those leaves in the upper rh side, maybe burn those slightly. I do like this one ass presented…Jim

Thanks, @Jim_Zablotny! I’ll post a new version with the leaves burned in! Appreciate your input.

Stunning! The flower glows!! As to the top, it’s the small area where the leaf edge is horizontal that catches my eye. A slight crop would fix it, or clone that bit of edge, or have more canvas at the top so that detail wasn’t so close to the edge.

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You have a delicate tonality situation here. The RP feels too underexposed and low in contrast. I downloaded the OP and (with PS set to warn me of profile mismatches with my AdobeRGB working space) it shows your OP is in the color space Display P3. That is apparently a monitor (or smart phone?) color space. The tonalities here are delicate enough it needs to be converted to sRGB and uploaded with that profile tagged. I think the OP might had been a bit bright but I’d sugest another look. The flower itself might have done with the tiniest adjustment to the tone curve (best done in the raw conversion) but it looks like in trying to adjust the leaves darker you adjusted the flower also??? It would need a close look at color (tone) sample points to be sure where the best point is. Even if the flower was in the shade, I think you want the tiniest bit of full white in the tonal range, to make the flower show in all its glory. Maybe in between these two versions??

Susanna, this is a fascinating sudy of tones. I agree with @Diane_Miller regarding the need for keeping the flower brighter. It is subtle, but the difference is critical to my eye. Very nice.

Couple more thoughts – the RP brings out more detail in the flower’s midtones but at the loss of contrast. Maybe some Clarity is the answer? The leaves in the RP have also lost contrast. Maybe you need to work on the flower and leaves separately?? Curves (maybe with TK masks) may be the answer.

Susanna, this is really striking. The high contrast between white and dark is phenomenal. Nicely done as is.

Thank you, @David_Bostock! Appreciate your feedback.