I made this image just a little bit later in the late afternoon than my previous post.
D850, 70-200mm
I made this image just a little bit later in the late afternoon than my previous post.
D850, 70-200mm
Brilliant, Harley. A wonderful abstraction - riveting. The textures, tone, light and line are working here in perfect harmony. My highest compliment: this is a photograph that I could look at for years.
So could I!! This is amazing and wonderful! The purity of the elements – just sand and light – the way the fine ripples and large contours in the sand are overlaid with the light… And the perfect detail in both the bright and dark areas…
I’m without words to describe it further. It doesn’t need words.
Yes, this is a brilliant image Harley. What sets this image apart for me is how strong a role the ripples play, I have seen very few Death Valley dune images where the ripples are so key to the image. This almost looks like the folds in the fabric in a pair of corduroy pants
I also like how the ripples add such rich texture to the highlights along the dune crests. what a cool looking image, beautifully done.
The textures and light that your have captured here are fabulous Harley.
Excellent play on light and the undulating sand lines. Wonderful image, Harley.
Your Dune work is mesmerizing… First rate.
Large view is Terrific.
Wow, what everyone has said! The way the smaller ripples conform to the shapes of the dunes is wonderful. This is a lovely counterpoint to your previous angular dunes.
Another fine image from this area of DVNP, Harley…
I’m still recovering from your first post. It was one of the best dune takes I’ve ever seen…
This is an outstanding image and it looks fantastic - especially when viewed large. Not nits from me.
Thanks for the kind comments @Diane_Miller , @Dan_Kearl , @Bonnie_Lampley . @Kerry_Gordon . @Ed_McGuirk , @David_Bostock , @Eva_McDermott , @Paul_Breitkreuz and @Tom_Nevesely . Much appreciated.
Sorry for being late to the party Harley but this is really superb. The high contrast ripples just leap out at the viewer and mesmerize the soul. The play of light is just magical. AS good as your last dune image was this is even better. Reminds me of the WAVE in Arizona but with sand instead. Now if Tioga was along the top edge of the top dune with her paws crossed, you’d have it all.
Another stellar image. I wonder what conditions cause the ripples?
This is very nice @Harley_Goldman .
It a true unique expression of those dunes.
(i like the first one better)
Phenomenal imagery Mr. H. My favorite of your recent dune images - but to be sure, they are all outstanding. You had a great trip out there!
This one stands out because it’s just more abstract - a smaller piece of the bigger picture. The light/shadow and graphic design are amazing. Love this image.
I don’t believe anyone said anything, and I would classify this as super nitpicky… but my only suggested thought would be a skosh more space up top. I mean a sliver. So hardly worth mentioning. Does not take away from the impact this image has.