Little Blue Heron with crayfish

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


I intend this as a behavioral/environmental image showing typical surroundings at the rookery we visited. This wetland in Louisiana was actually man made with the intent of bringing nesting birds to the area. My understanding is that the wading birds will nest at a wetland with trees surrounded by water. Alligators patrolling the lake prevent predators such as raccoons from raiding the nests. The alligators do occasionally take an unsuspecting adult bird or a chick that falls from a nest. Trees that could survive in water were planted here and then the lake created for the purpose of providing the perfect habitat for a rookery.

Specific Feedback

Any. I took out some distractions from around the bird. I’m hoping the red color of the crayfish helps to focus attention on the feeding behavior.

Technical Details

Canon R7, 400mm f4 DO IS II, 1.4x extender III
ISO 400, f7.1, 1/1600s, hand held

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Interesting back story, Allen. I would never have thought of a man-made rookery. The only one I ever heard of was on Avery island, and it didn’t sound like this, though it may have been modified since the accounts I read of it. This is very nice and shows the habitat well.

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Hi Allen,

This shows the behavior and the environment very well and the color/saturation of the crawfish certainly makes it stand out well enough to be readily noticed and identified.

I like the lighting on the heron and the reflection is great.

Thanks for the backstory on the manmade environment, it’s great that they are doing positive things to preserve our wildlife by creating specific habitats for them.

BTW, I took my wife out to our local Seafood Shack last night so I could satisfy my urge for some Salt -n- Pepper Catfish & Stuffed Crab :smiley:
But, I may have to go again soon if you keep posting these images with crawfish :smiley:

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Hi Allen
It is nice to hear of a man made wetland that works to promote nature. It looks like the blue is having seconds thoughts on its catch. The framing and background work nicely to frame the Little Blue and a big red crawfish brings my eyes right to the head of the Blue.