The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
This photograph was taken about 8:30 am. The Little Green Heron was so preoccupied with its preening that I was able to approach fairly close. My position was from a bank overlooking the Heron from behind shrubs. My tripod was elevated to clear shrubs in front of me. Light was already very bright. I had a clean shot with clean background which was water from sizeable pond.
Specific Feedback
I’m interested in feedback on the overall image quality. I’m interested in whether the cob web is just a distraction. I think it’s a nice element, but maybe it’s just a distraction. I’s have preferred more subtle lighting. What about the crop? I chose a wider frame here to provide more context.
Hi John. I really love the preening pose. I’d definitely keep the cobweb, it’s just fun. I might crop up just a bit from the bottom so you can get rid of the extension of the main log where it goes out of focus on the right.
The heron seems just a tiny bit soft in the largest version-you might want to look at a bit of sharpening. To my eye, the blue/green on the back of the heron look a little off but that could be the lighting. A very cool image.
Thank you Dennis. I struggled with the crop. When I cropped in, it looked out of balance but I appreciate your point. I’ll play with it some more. I was fudging with the blue/green and the saturation. Agree it’s probably a little overdone. Thanks again. Appreciate the feedback. John
Hi John, nice preening pose you captured with a good look at the eye. I like the spider webs and the BG is quite nice too. Saturation may be overdone a tad but not a whole lot. I like the composition overall. Nice frame.
Very nice shot. I an a big fan of green herons…they are so colorful, and you have captured this one well in an interesting posture. I would definitely keep the cob web as they add to the story IMHO. I also like the crop.
Glad you liked it Richard. Appreciate your assessment. I love these green herons also. This is the best clean frame of one with a decent background that I’ve been able to capture. I’ve found them normally to be elusive and easily spooked when approached but this one seemed content to sit and preen for an extended period. Thanks again. John