These are Clark’s Grebes doing their mating ritual on a Southern California reservoir. Western Grebes also do this dance. Impressive to watch because this action happens quickly. There is a typical warning sign that this behavior is about to commence; the pair lower their whole bodies to just above water level and stare at each other for a second or two. The rushing event then occurs rapidly, sometimes lasting a few seconds.
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iso 800, 400 plus 1.4x, f8, 3200th, handheld from a boat, 50% of full frame.
Great catch, David. It’s always such fun to catch animals in their behavior. Everything is nice and sharp, and the water is presented very well. Good one.
I agree that this is pretty wonderful. Birds are fascinating in how some species have no sexual dimorphism and others do. Evolution is amazing. Your comment about a ‘tell’ before they take off reminds me of bald eagles. More often than not a baldie will poop just before lifting off from a perch. It’s hilarious to watch, but a bonus for photographers.