Maple on Maple

A Japanese maple in the neighborhood. I bike around the neighborhood with a D800 and 14mm and if I see an interesting maple I ask the owner and just lay the camera on the ground underneath and shoot.
I have dozens of different trees.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any appreciated, not sure if this is the right category.

Technical Details

D800, 14mm f2.8 @ f8. 1/40, camera on ground, iso400


Wow Dan! This is a striking image and that’s one big Japanese maple. The trunk and limbs of this tree are very abstract looking and make this photo unique along with the gorgeous colors. I wouldn’t do anything to this photo.

Wow, Dan, this is awesome. I will have to try this sometime. This is definitely abstract so in the right category. I really like the maple leaves with the more yellow leaves framing them. The tree branch pattern is wonderful too. Well done.

This is such a great capture…and a great project.

Beautiful colours and shapes that lead me around the image. There’s a slight diagonal layering which is very appealing.

Thanks for the comments…
Donna, this is actually a small maple. 10 -12 feet tall is optimum with 14mm lens. Just looks big.
It take a certain shape and size as I have taken a lot of them. Many are called, few are chosen as the saying goes…

Dan, love this image! What an amazing tree and I love the looking up perspective. The branches of the trees fill the frame beautifully. The colors and luminance look good to me. Fine work all around.

Amazing patterns and light. And the transition from greens to reds and yellows is wonderful. Well done.

What a great image, Dan. I agree with Dean that the color transition from green to yellow, orange and red is amazing. I also like a lot the twisting tree branches. One idea could be to add a tad of vignette to stop the eye from moving out of the image border (at the brightest borders) and so that the brightest part is more in the middle of the image.

Stunning image Dan! I love the unique perspective and how the whole frame has been filled with colourful patterns.

Wonderful image. Great color and composition. It was a perfect choice with the 14mm. It makes me want to use my 16-35mm more.

That’s really outstanding! We’ve all seen the shot from the Portland Japanese Garden but this creates an original look & feel to that idea. Wonderful sense of movement from the forms and the colors. It’s very hard to find compositions that work extremely well with very wide angle lenses and this one does it. Bravo!


It makes me happy to see these maples again! Love both the lovely variety of color as well as the obvious spanning patterns achieved from the perspective.

Abstract of course, but clearly identifiable - And no matter, this is a joy to view.



I like the color progression from LLC to URC from the greens to the yellows. Really interesting. As of late, you seem to always be looking up when using your camera :wink: