Maple Season

Each year I spend a week biking the city to look for suitable small Japanese maples to photograph
when they are in season… I take a lot, not a lot turn out the way I want, they are tricky to find good ones that work for what I want.
This was taken 5 days ago, the season has already peaked and passed.
This tree is about 12 feet tall.

D800, 14mm f2.4, f11, 1/50, iso1600, handheld.


Your POV serves to emphasize the character and grace of this Japanese maple as those limbs reach skyward. This is a wonderful find and I would say perfect for what you were looking for. I only have two minor suggestions: #1 would be to lighten the upper left and right corners just a little to match the rest of the tones and #2 would be to clone out or tone down the greens in the LLC. Beautifully done!

Hi Dan! This is a very nice image. I love the detail and exposure. I agree with Ed’s comments and have nothing further to add. Great work!

Ed nailed the same 2 nits that I have. Beautiful tree and branch structure. I’d be thrilled with this one. WHat’s great is that you can simply walk around the city and find something like this. WOW! Lucky you! Well done.

I’ve never loaded my camera on my bike; I may have to start doing that.

I love the character of the twisted trunks; good eye to see that and your perspective brings it out nicely. I too find those greens break the symmetry some, but realize that may have been the only option.

I ride to refuges with 500mm lens, ride everywhere.
Before Steigerwald closed, you could ride the levy road into the refuge for early morning Harrier shots.
Looking forward to it again.

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This is certainly an interesting perspective. The processing of dynamic range is well handled, you have retained an amazing amount of detail. I agree with the two comments made by @Ed_Lowe, and in addition might suggest reducing ht luminosity of the the very brightest sky patch in the top center. Great use of a 14mm lens, it creates a very interesting view of this tree.