Meditation at the pond (+repost)

So this is my updated version…

Critique Style Requested: Initial Reaction

Please share your immediate response to the image before reading the photographer’s intent (obscured text below) or other comments. The photographer seeks a genuinely unbiased first impression.

Questions to guide your feedback

What do you feel when you see this image? Does the presentation as a triptych work for you?

Other Information

Please leave your feedback before viewing the blurred information below, once you have replied, click to reveal the text and see if your assessment aligns with the photographer. Remember, this if for their benefit to learn what your unbiased reaction is.

Image Description

This image was made early on an April morning at my favorite little pond. I started out at the pond with my camera set to black and white and made some rather minimalist explorations. The soft ripples in the water (caused by these long legged insects jumping across the surface) and some spiky reeds - leftovers from last year.

I found some intriguing compositions when in black and white but for some, I went back to color in LR.

I have made some very “loud” abstractions lately and sometimes I just need quiet and simplicity to balance this out. Sitting there at the pond,. Just me and the singing of the bird and the humming of the insects. Waiting for the day to start up again and become busy. Equanimous contemplation.

Technical Details

Sony ILCE-7rM3
Sony FE 70-200, F2.8 GM OSS
1/320 sec at F/10
ISO 1250

One image sliced into three to be represented as a triptych.

Specific Feedback

I’m mostly interested in Feedback on the emotional impact and artistic value of the image, on the message and story and on the visual appeal.

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Serene, reflective set.
I like how the triptych is constructed, with the long piece of grass and its reflection in the middle. I might place the three images slightly closer together. They’re now the same distance as the edge of the canvas. Somehow those expanses of white in between feel like barriers.
A very soothing triptych to start my day with!

Edit after reading your comments:

Sitting there at the pond,. Just me and the singing of the bird and the humming of the insects. Waiting for the day to start up again and become busy. Equanimous contemplation.

Yes, exactly!

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Thanks for this, Maddi! You are absolutely right about the distance between the three parts. Somehow I couldn’t get it done properly in LR. Will try again.

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I love this (revised) triptych - but I would consider removing the object beside the central image’s blade. It looks out of place to my eye and detracts from the beautiful effects of horizontal ripples and their contrast with the vertical blades.

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Thank you, Mike! Good suggestion! I remember thinking about that, but hesitated because it’s a rather large area and wasn’t sure if I could get the structure of the water and the ripples to match properly. But I’ll give it a try.

Like this? I’m not 100% happy with the water movement, though…


I think that’s a big improvement as the object was in a calm bit of water anyway - well done.

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Thank you, Mike! And thanks for the input!

The water looks fine to me :wink:

Thank you, Maddi! I struggled with getting the ripples to look natural - glad it was rather flat, LOL.

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