Mist-ical #2

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


My brother Ed and I always try to plan our trips to Shenandoah National Park, when there’s a chance of rain. The low lying clouds usually produce conditions in the park with lots of areas of fog and mist. We just drive up and down the road, cause the pockets are constantly changing. If on e area is not looking good, we try again . This day was quite fruitful. We both got plenty of keepers.

Technical Details

Olympus EM5 MK2, 80mm, 1/10 sec @ f/8, ISO 200. polarizer


Thats a keeper all right! Pretty sure I love everything about this. Maybe the fog could be less blue and the leaves a little less bright, but thats pretty dang nit-picky on my part. I love this image!

Sweet! I love the mood With the fog and the yellow autumn leaves Mike. I also like the pano format you chose to emphasize the fall leaves. Like @Paul_Holdorf I too could see just a touch less blue in the fog, but that is subjective. Either way this is a keeper for sure. That definitely was a fruitful day of shooting wasn’t it?

Michael your image has truly captured a quiet magic that’s just enchanting. The way the mist cradles the scene lends a dreamy, ethereal quality that’s quite captivating. And those yellow leaves – they pop like little bursts of sunlight. It’s as if nature itself has composed the perfect color scheme, and you’ve captured it at the right moment.

The image has a lovely balance as it is, the kind that beckons you to take a moment, breathe deeply, and simply be. I’d hang it!

A wonderful image here, Michael. The pano view fits this image perfectly too… :+1:
…as far as your “plan” I’ll quote Hannibal Smith of the A-Team. “I love it when a plan comes together.”… :cowboy_hat_face:

Great composition with the wide arc going across and in front of the vertical lines. That comp seems to always work for woodland scenes. The color intensity seems to be about right. It’s a matter of taste. It’s a soft scene and usually gentle colors go with softness. These colors are about as strong as I would go.

Simply gorgeous!! All said above – the arc of the leaves against the vertical trunks, and the fog subduing the BG – wonderful!!!

I really like this - well done Michael. The composition is very nice with nearer and further yellow masses, and I rather like the color harmony between the cool blue and yellows. I am not bothered by the intensity of the blue. A foggy forest is not neutral gray.

Good capture - a keeper and one that should be printed.

I’ll be the exception here and say that I LOVE the blue cast of the fog! I think it really sets the tones for the yellows. Yeah, the yellows are about as bright as I’d want them to be and there are a couple of real bright spots that could be fixed like the leaf on the left hand side of the image that is half bright and half dark but that is getting really nit picky. I like the weight going from right to left with the biggest trunk at the right edge and then the trunks getting progressively smaller. There is one branch in the ULC that is cutting across the scene that grabs my attention and I would probably clone it out as it stops the vertical flow on the left side of the frame. I’d do everything I could to make this as good as it can get because you should print this and hang it!!!

Beautiful, I’ll add my voice to those who love the blue, it makes the yellows work.

I love how the front part of the image is clear and out of the fog, and as it goes back, it just naturally goes into the fog. It’s so beautiful and calming. I love just driving around and “see what I see”. Beautiful!

Very nice photo. The composition is lovely. I couldn’t resist playing with the photo. My only nit, and it is in the totally subjective category, is that the variations in the yellow color saturation and luminosity unbalance the composition. Here is my edit: I decreased the yellow saturation in the most saturated parts and then increased the yellow saturation in the least saturated parts. Then I decreased the overall saturation just a bit. It’s not necessarily better, just different…

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Just a true joy; I wouldn’t change it.

Thank you @Paul_Holdorf , @Ed_Lowe , @Saundie , @Paul_Breitkreuz , @Igor_Doncov , @Diane_Miller , @Bill_Lathrop , @David_Haynes , @Tomas_Frydrych , @Judi_Hastings , @Tony_Siciliano , @John_Williams For the comments and suggestions. Thanks for taking the time on your rework, @Tony_Siciliano . Looks nice

This is a lovely scene just the type of image I gravitate towards. After a few viewings, I think maybe the colors are a tad too saturated for this type of scene. But that’s just nitpicking. One thing I might change is leaving a little more breathing room on the left side of the frame so the leaves aren’t touching the edge. Not sure if that was possible when photographing it or if the RAW file has more room. But again, that’s just nitpicking . I’d be very happy if I had this image in my portfolio.

Michael, this is lovely! The arch of yellow leaves creates a good feeling of movement. The set of leave in the upper left balance well, especially with their more subtle colors. I too would desaturate the blue slightly.