
Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


My brother Ed and I had just about perfect conditions this morning on the Pemigewasset River in NH. I would have liked to get to the left a little more but my shoes were not waterproof.

Technical Details

Nikon D800, Tokina 17-35 @25mm, 1/4 sec @ f/16, ISO 800, don’t remember why my ISO was so high. Maybe to keep the water from blowing out too bad.


When I first saw this I thought “Smart’s Brook” - but the Pemi is close. I love the color of the rocks in this area and that the streams aren’t tannic, but clear and slightly blue here and there. When it freezes, the ice is green. I think the Mad River has a similar phenomenon. Ah, reminds me of home.

Definitely sacrifice the toes next time and have squishy feet. It’s worth it. That rock in the fg is wonderful with the water cascading off it.

Michael, the title says it all. The large size and the bright colors of the rocks lead to that mystical feel of the greens and the gentle light at the RU corner of the frame. The juxtaposition of the major elements, the white water, and rocks with the green trees, provides a fascinating tension. I do think the white border takes away from that charming tension. It feels intrusive to me, but that is just my take on a wonderful picture.

The serene beauty of this scene along the river is quite tangible in your photo, Michael. The choice to use a slower shutter speed here was spot-on, beautifully capturing the silky motion of the water which provides a lovely contrast to the solidity of the rocks. This technique also contributes to the misty, ethereal quality of the surroundings, enhancing the sense of tranquility. The composition is well-balanced, with the river leading the eye through the frame and the array of rocks creating a harmonious pattern of shapes and colors. Nice!

Great image, Michael. The composition is excellent, as is the lighting and color caste. I bet the Sierra Club would love this image for their engagement calendars. I really can’t suggest any improvement. I think that collection of rocks and boulders at the bottom really makes this image special, although it’s really captivating from front to back.

Wow, feels very real, as if your feet were actually wet! My only nit is that it feels too bright for misty conditions unless the sun was just starting to break though. Not sure what your intent is on that front, but I wonder what it would look like if it were toned down a bit?

I remember this day well Mike. It was a great couple of hours of capturing images while the mist lasted on the Pemi. I can not really add anything that hasn’t already been said. beautifully done and no suggestions from me.

That’s lovely Michael. The composition, water texture, color contrast, lighting, and foggy mood upstream are all spot on. No nits from me, I’m just enjoying this one.

Michael, this looks great, with the stream angled nicely across and into the frame and the subtle fog adding a nice touch of mystery. The little “splash” near the bottom center makes a fine starting view point.

Not much to add other than I really like this image. I agree with the thought of a different border than white an d maybe a tinge less exposure but a really beautiful image!

Thanks @Saundie , @Kris_Smith , @Cathy_Proenza , @Igor_Doncov , @John_Williams , @Mark_Seaver , @Barbara_Djordjevic , @Ed_Lowe , @pat2 for the comments and suggestions.