Misty morning pond

I am trying to find local beauty and walk by this pond every morning with my dog. Finally I remembered to take the camera with me and try for a shot. This is hand held and my dog (Boomer) was a good boy while I was down one one knee on a slope trying for the photo. Good thing Boomer did not see a squirrel.
This photo is probably 20 minutes after sunrise.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any feedback to help me improve.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Canon 6dmkii
Hand held
ISO 400
1/100 second.
Slight cropping on each side to remove distractions. And minor exposure adjustments in LR and PS.

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Hi Brian, nice morning, perfect beauty to capture. Loved the color and tones you got. In order to reinforce the beauty of these, I will suggest crop slighty stronger. Cheers from Chile!!

Very fine scene and you captured and treated it well. The mist is beautifully defined, and seems to move as I look at the image. The vegetation is a fine frame for the scene. I believe that Andres’ suggested cropping was to address the very bright and plain sky. I concur that sky does distract from the scene, but I enjoy the loftiness of the trees. My approach was to take a brush loaded with the yellow/tan color just above the horizon to the lower right of the sun, and paint most of the bright sky (in a duplicate layer) with the brush in “Darker Color” mode (opacity 60%). The resulting sky is not so bright, and seems to have a continuity with the color of the sunrise and mist. I painted the bright water in lower left as well.
I copied and moved some of the URC leaves to close that corner up a little.

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Thank you Andres, I have a lot to learn.

Thank you Dick. Nice touch and I need to learn more about photoshop.

Lovely scene and a very nice touch by @Dick_Knudson. Wonderful light with the mist well framed and the sunburst is the grace note.

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I really like the use of fg brush in this image. The crop suggested by @andres works for me.


Thank you Diane, lot’s tolearn here.

Thank you Igor. In appreciate your help.