Moab Light

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Looking through archives and found this image. Did a little more work on processing.

Technical Details

for some reason unable to access in LR on this image

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These cottonwoods are amazing in that area in the fall. I had a difficult time capturing their intensity when I visited. I think you’ve done a good job here. The light is pretty harsh. Perhaps shooting on a more overcast day and then boosting the colors in processing.

I’ve had similar challenges with fall cottonwoods - they just blaze, don’t they? I really like the shape of the trunk and the way you’ve shown it between the green shrubs in front. The cliffs behind add a nice backdrop, except that top left is in such darker shadow it seems like it isn’t part of this scene. Harsh shadows happen out there though.

You do have an interesting capture with the light on the cottonwoods - which to me is the main focus. As much as the ULC looks interesting, it seems to be competing for attention ?
On the other hand, the URC looks a bit underexposed - balancing these 2 may give a different perspective.
Besides, this image may lend itself well in black n white

Thank you @Igor_Doncov @Kris_Smith @Karl_Zuzarte for your comments/input. I am going to give a B/W a go also.