Moab Light 2

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Deep off road in Moab. I have been going through these older images. Its interesting how this image never spoke to me before but does now.

Specific Feedback

Unsure about the LLC white on rock. Burn down?

Technical Details

200mm f/8 1/15sec iso 100

I like the brightness of the rock in the LLC. It could be darkened just a tad though. Maybe extend the upper frame so that the sunlight isn’t so close to the top edge? Nice picture.

Hey Mario! The spotlight here is really cool. I agree with Igor that some extra space at the top and darkening the brighter shadow area at the bottom may be beneficial. I wonder of more of a panorama crop would also help enhance that left to right flow of the image even more. If you have room back in the raw file you could try to lighten up those deepest shadows on the left side a bit too. I like the idea of them being dark but a little detail may help.

I am enjoying the dappled light Mario. I agree with Igor, a little more room at the top would take your image to the next level.

Quite lovely!
I do agree with the others re the space on the top. The large rock formation in the right side is also very interesting - perhaps you have some real estate to the right ?

Mario, This is a most interesting and unique image with great light management. I fully agree with @Igor_Doncov , especially about adding more real estate to the top. The few spots of that light green in the LLC move my eye around nicely. Also, the other spots of bright orange to the left and right of the main spotlight provide compositional interest and balance to this otherwise dark image. I believe photography is about seeing, and your vision was acute with this image.

Thank you @Igor_Doncov @Eva_McDermott @David_Wallace @Larry_Greenbaum @Karl_Zuzarte for your input/comments. I also wish I had more real estate at the top but this was the only image which I had of this scene.


You don’t indicate if this was captured on digital or film. To me it looks like it was captured on Fuji Velvia based on the saturated colors and deep blocked up shadows in the LLC. In fact I think the shadows are just too dark. If it was my photo back in the Velvia days, I probably would have kept the photo in my files but in the C group (as opposed to the A - make a print group, or B - find other uses group), not worthy of much use but good composition group.

That being said, even though the light in the URC is great I do not think it is enough to carry the whole photo.