Moab 2

Workshops are interesting and this was my second one. I learn quite a bit about composition and processing. You do have to make an effort to find your own vision and scenes as it would be easy to stay put in the area of other photographers. Most of my images are made away from the group and with some exploration of the site. Never did much focus stacking before this trip but concentrating on wide angle close shots made it necessary to take 8-12 images. Not sure if there is too much FG or the leading lines of rock and vegitation is simply strong to the butte.

Specific Feedback Requested

Comp and processing, any and all

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
24mm, f/9, 1/50 sec, iso 160

1 Like

Oh I love this one Mario. With all due respect to Muench this is a far more interesting composition. The in your face bush with all those lines going each way is really good. But it gets better. The contrast between the darker ledge and the sunlit cliffs gives this image so much life. And the gradient blue sky is great in tonality and in color contrast. Overall, this is a really good image in my opinion. It’s interesting because the bush itself is not really that inherently interesting.

A classical wide angle with wonderful detail. Igor said it all. The clouds are a subtle but wonderful touch.

I’m glad to see something from Arches that is not an icon, not always easy to do when you take a workshop. Either you had a a good workshop leader and/or your wanderlust to head away from the group paid nice dividends. This has a great composition, and I love the light on the distant rock formation.