Moab Maiden, the Tombstones and Clouds, Utah

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Last weekend my wife and I decided to visit a petroglyph known primarily to locals. I’d been there once before, probably 15 years ago, and wanted to return with fresh eyes. I’m glad I did as I found a couple unique compositions I never considered on my first visit. The sky was angry that day, my friends. We spent as much time on-site as we could before high tailing it back to the truck for protection from the incoming storm. The Tombstones are a popular location for rock climbing and BASE jumping, but there wasn’t anyone on them on this day.

Specific Feedback

Curious about your thoughts on using the petroglyph as a part of the bigger landscape rather than focusing mostly (or solely) on it.

Technical Details

Sony A7IV
Sigma 14-24mm lens @ 19mm
ISO 100
1/60s @ f/16, handheld because my tripod won’t float in mid-air

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:


This is quite excellent! I think an outstanding composition; great use of the near/far set up. To answer your question, yes, great job incorporating/including the drawing. I’d say it’s more of an accent supporting the grander scene. I’d go even further that the element enhances and even tells a strong story - despite the smaller size (relative to the larger scene.)

I really like the compositional balance too. Everything just seems in the right place with no distracting elements. And the eye is led thru the image nicely. There is also just the right amount of sky/clouds - and great interest and pending drama in those clouds.

The only suggestion/comment is the blue sky. Not sure if it’s a darkness or color/saturation, but it just seems a little “bolder” than the landscape, drawing attention away from the sandstone landscape. Very minor and certainly an opinion rather than an issue. Hope that makes sense.

Little side note. I would think these “tombstones” would have to be pretty tall for anyone to was to base jump? (never been there so I don’t know). This makes me want to know the scale of these, which we don’t know (but also doesn’t matter.)

A terrific landscape image - that also tells a nature/human story.

I think it’s great to incorporate the Petroglyph as part of the larger scene. I like that it’s part of the story, but not the only story. I like seeing the context, makes me imagine what might have prompted someone to do it.

I like the leading lines in your image, though it did take me a sec to find the rock art. Maybe a hit with a brush to brighten it just a tiny bit might help draw the eye there on its was through the image.
I agree with @Lon_Overacker about the blue sky, after the eye goes through the image, it sits on that corner. Maybe just a bit of desaturation of the blue, or even just cropping a little bit off the sky/ top if that is something you don’t object to.

I was in Torrey last week and it’s all I can think about, so your red rock image caught my eye immediately.

@Lon_Overacker Thank you for the comment. I’m not sure what’s going on with that blue saturation. I checked my main file and it’s not as saturated. Wonder if something went awry during the conversion to jpeg? The Tombstones are not as tall as you might think. I believe the tallest one is about 500’. Not much room for error and in fact, there have been several rescues there over the years.

@JulieEdwardsViola Appreciate your comment! I have already dodged the petroglyph but it could probably take a little bit more. I’ll give it a shot. See comment to Lon re: the blue sky. Torrey is magical! We’re planning to spend some weekends there this spring.

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Bret, it’s a fine composition. The subject matter is interesting. I think the pictograph benefits from the context. Besides, it’s good to have a photo where not everything is revealed at once. Good work!

I love the pictograph. It’s a lot like searching for hidden easter eggs in a new car. You have terrific leading lines and that line takes you right through the pictograph. I love that it’s not the focal point or main interest in the image but once found helps to tell an even better story. The sky actually looks quite natural to my eye but that being said, it does draw the eye, not because it’s super saturated or some whacky color but more because it’s so different from anything else in the image. So, I’d probably lighten the blues so they don’t pop quite so much. It’s a really lovely sky but it’s a half and half. Good clouds on one side and mostly none on the other.
The light you had was terrific. Soft and diffused with no harshness anywhere. The colors are perfect. I really can’t come up with anything to help this image other than the sky.
Don’t you love it when you go back to a place after 15 years and see totally different things? Well done Bret!

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@David_Haynes Thank you, David. Lately I’ve been re-visiting many spots I photographed years ago and am finding that almost every time, I’m able to find a unique composition I just didn’t “see” previously. Usually, I prefer the newer composition. It’s interesting how our ability to see and interpret a scene changes over time. Appreciate your comments on the sky. I’ll try lightening the blue a bit. Good idea!


Hi Bret,
I did not notice the petroglyph at first. It was only after opening the larger version and following the cut in the rocks that I took notice of it. What a treat when I did! I like the fact that you incorporated the petroglyph in the larger desert landscape and let the viewer find it as they browsed the image. My only suggestion is the already mentioned sky. I hop[e you both made it back to the truck in time before the skies opened up. Very nicely done!

I actually think the petroglyph as part of the bigger scene is great. Like Lucky said in Lon’s post, it’s a bit like the prize at the bottom of the cereal box.

…or, just to muddy the waters, you could try going a bit darker.

(I also tossed in a tad of contrast to the clouds, because I tend to get carried away.)

Bret, I too love “discovering” the petroglyph as I study the photo. It’s a great addition as it adds historical context to the site. Given the blue in the sky on the right, this view doesn’t show what I would call a threatenig sky :grin:…but then folks viewing this photo won’t know that part of the story.

Bret, I always open images before I read descriptions and blow them up to full size. I noticed the petroglyph right away. It was like discovering an easter egg or xmas present under the tree. Love it. It really gives a sense of place or context in which the people lived. I’ll pile on and mention the sky also. :rofl:

Thank you @John_Williams @Michael_Lowe @Mark_Seaver and @Ed_Lowe.

@John_Williams I prefer your edited version to my own. I’m hopping in LR now to add some additional contrast to the clouds. I already added some before posting, but it clearly can benefit from a bit more. Thanks for that!

@Michael_Lowe Okay, okay…I get it re: the sky! :wink:

@Mark_Seaver The threatening sky is just to the left of the clouds. What you see in this photo is what we were trying to outrun on our way back to the truck. Luckily, we made it.


I love how you incorporated the petroglyphs in this wider landscape image. They don’t jump out at you at first glance, but they make for a great little easter egg that you can’t miss once you see it, and which adds extra layer to the story of the image. I like how it’s not forced upon the viewer but is rather a reward for anyone who chooses to spend some time with the image.

My hat’s off to you!

Hi, I love the way the petrograph is included as part of the general scene. I find that the sky pulls me through the scene so quickly that it almost makes it the subject of the photo. I would be inclined to crop down a bit, even 2/3 of the sky at the risk of squashing the rocks a bit.