Monarda Splash in My Prairie

Monarda are quite showy right now among prairie wildflowers. I wonder how others respond to the dark areas in the image? I tried to eliminate rogue highlights and ended up feeling pretty good about the way the blooms pop against a dark surround. Thanks.

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Larry: This works well for me. I like the near pano crop and the shadows are dark but not blocked. Well composed, captured and presented. >=))>

Nice work. I like how you have the flowers popping while the greenery is much darker which helps draw my eye toward the flowers. The composition is nice. I like this rectangular format.

I seem to almost always prefer dark backgrounds, Larry, if it’s at all possible. Really makes the flowers stand out. Nice composition.

Well composed and conveyed. The undulating line of flowers lets me scan left And right and the central dip holds attention. The monarda foliage is lens ghter than surrounding leaves, so that also holds me on subject. Shadows are fine. Semi pano aspect works well. Nice portrait.

I love this image. The dark areas don’t bother me as they help pop the flowers. The flow is very smooth with a pano crop. Colors on flowers also help make these pop too.

Thanks to @Bill_Fach. @Richard_Wong, @terryb, @Dick_Knudson, and @ravi for your endorsement on this image. Your verification on the exposure here will also help with other images.

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Your choice of a pano crop highlights the expanse of the field of flowers. Darkening of the surrounding foliage helps bring the viewer’s eye to the flowers. Well thought out and presented image.

Thanks, Patricia. I appreciate your response. Larry