More distorted water ripples!

Just to jump on @Bill_Fach and @Lon_Overacker’s bandwagon, shot this last week.
Open to any and all feedback

iso 640

Michael, this is a “cool” view into this stream. (Couldn’t resist the pun opportunity…) This is another abstract beauty, that’s very refreshing to look into. I especially like the blue tones in the center.

Michael: Hard to go wrong with these types of images. I might like a bit more brightness up top but the blues in the middle are indeed wonderful. Most excellent.>=))>


Fabulous addition to the challenge. Kinda going against standard reaction, but I like the bright rock near the center - as a focal point or place for the eye to rest. And everyone wants an easy part of a jigsaw puzzle and of course would seek out the pieces for that little rock and build from there… :grin:


Gorgeous colors. I, too, like the little white rock as a focal point.