This is an older photo, slightly reworked for this weekly challenge. One of the few silhouettes I have. This was taken from the bottom of a creek below a switchback along Hwy. 1 in the north of Mendocino Co. It was a beautiful, misty morning.
What technical feedback would you like if any? What artistic feedback would you like if any?
Do you like the balance of this? The original had more on the top and right, but I always felt there was something off about it. So, I cropped to this and it looks better, but Iām still open to suggestions.
Pertinent technical details or techniques:
(If this is a composite, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
a7, 35mm, 1/100s, f/11, ISO 100, hand held.
The balance feels fine to me, Bonnie. I love the forms of the trees and the light on the tops of the shrubs. I do find that the light channel exiting the bottom of the image leads my eye out of it, though I suspect for others it might lead their eye into it. A very interesting image.
The first thing I noticed was the wonderful lighting on the shrubs Bonnie. It feels quite mystical. I also feel the balance between the blacks and white work very well together. Great photo.
A very cool Halloween look to this one, Bonnie. Very eerie, with the shapes and shadows. Balance and comp look good to me. I might tone down or clone the bright leaves on the left edge, but minor stuff.
Bonnie, I especially like the glowing leaves along the shrubs in the lower half. The tree trunks lead nicely in the sky. This is well seen. I do wonder how some dodging of the trees on left would look? To my eye, that area is slightly lacking in interest.
Thank you, @Dennis_Plank, @linda_mellor, @Harley_Goldman, and @Mark_Seaver. I took your advice and brought out some detail on the left, cloned out some bright leaves on the left, and burned the bottom-most bright leaves a bit. It is improved (posted the reworked version above). Thanks.
A very nice job on the repost, Bonnie.
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The repost is really pleasing. I like the detail in the image. Nice black-and-white shot.
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