Morning seascape

What technical feedback would you like if any?any and all

What artistic feedback would you like if any?any and all

Pertinent technical details or techniques: iso 100 18 mm f18 5 sec

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Hi @Frank_Forward, I really like the composition. I see an interesting foreground that generate leading lines that bring the eye to the background. Regarding composition, in my opinion the sky is too saturated, if I can I would suggest you to reduce sky saturation and enhance the reflected light in the foreground. I don’t know if it’s the best choice but for me it can add more balance to the image. Thanks for sharing.

You’ve found a really interesting foreground here with nice lines, shapes and textures! I like the snow on the bg mountains too.
I might have cloned out some of the brighter pebbles that are on the sand, but that’s personal taste. Just like @masdamb I find the sky too saturated too, it looks a bit unnatural to me. The left part has a rather large brightness change that maybe could be more gradual? Finally, I would add a vignette, especially in the lower 2/3, to keep the viewer inside the image and some dodging and burning can emphasize the beautiful shapes you have there more I think.

I like the composition, it makes strong use of foreground elements in the sand on the beach. And I like the placement of the mountains, having a larger mountain and then a smaller one to the side works well.

I agree with @Ron_Jansen, the luminosity of the sky relative to the beach just doesn’t look right. In real life skies are almost always brighter than the land. In this image the sky is too dark, and the beach is too bright for my taste. I also agree with Ron about the saturation in the sky, the effect is just too strong. I would reprocess this to better balance both luminosity and saturation between the sky and beach. I also agree with Ron that you could burn darker tones in the sand to create more contouring and sculpting of the light on the beach.

Here is a rework that directionally reflects where i would try to take the re-processing of this image. Take the sand darker, take the sky lighter and less saturated, and the luminosity of this image will be better balanced, and the sky will look more believable. I also cloned away some distracting bits in the sand.