Morning walk

A misty morning
Seaking for tranquility
All these trees will bring

Specific Feedback Requested

I am very curious what you all find from this image.
Critiques more than welcome.

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This has a nice dreamy character and strong receding lines. I would look at lowering the highlights to make it more subtle and foggy and add a little contrast to bring out the walker. Looks like a great morning!

Wow! Terrific mood. I really like how it’s hard to find the person walking in the distance. This gives me memories of high key photos which are always fun to see. Great job!

How you’ve handled the light is outstanding, Ben. The subtlity of the walker adds very well to the dreamy, pleasant mood.

Your image is very ethereal Ben. The foliage looks like a beautiful fine lace.

Love this image Ben. It has a spiritual quality. I feel drawn in towards the light. You could also crop in from the top and create a more landscape image. Don’t know if it would be better.