Three birds that made the year for me. These shots are by no means wall-hangers, but the subjects were very exciting to see. And I usually rave about butterflies!
Critique Style Requested: Standard
The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.
Photo 1:
We’d just moved house in late December 2023, and after about 2 weeks I went to a scrubby area near the river. Suddenly I saw a raptor, which turned into an owl, then a Short-eared Owl, and finally a pair of them. It’s not a rare owl, but I’d never seen one before. I saw a single one again on a couple of occasions before it headed back north. Now the time has come round again for a possible return winter visit, so I’m on the lookout.
Photo 2:
Every winter, a few Scaly-sided Mergansers visit a river near us in Korea. I count them carefully as they are on the IUCN Red List as Endangered. There was estimated to be a world population of 2500-4500 eight years ago. At that time I’d see about 50 on the river; last week there were 21, which could indicate a decline. Anyway, it’s always a pleasure to see them as they are as fun-loving as otters. Much more so than the ubiquitous Common Mergansers. And their typical habitat, which I tried to show here, is a fast-flowing mountain river, as far from civilization as possible, which of course is getting harder and harder to find.
Photos 3 & 4:
I’d never seen the beautiful Fairy Pitta, the only pitta species in Korea. After coming close a few times in the past, hearing it calling in June, when it migrates here and settles in to nest, one morning this year, about 20 minutes from the house, I rounded a corner in the forest and there were a pair! One flew away at once, the other hopped onto a bench and stared at me for about 2 minutes. It was far away and my exposures were all at sea, but I was very happy to have seen this elusive bird. Just the once…
Technical Details
D500 +150-600
Critique Template
Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.
- Vision and Purpose:
- Conceptual:
- Emotional Impact and Mood:
- Composition:
- Balance and Visual Weight:
- Depth and Dimension:
- Color:
- Lighting:
- Processing:
- Technical: