2024 Showcase and Review

Said in my best Dan Ackroyd imitation and blatantly borrowed from The Blues Brothers (Showband and Revue).

Leaves in spring ice

Belted Kingfisher fledgling

Bald Eagle fledgling

Barred Owl fledgling

Dot-tailed Whitefaces mating

More Dot-tailed Whitefaces mating

Adult Barred Owl

Waterfall slice at Twin Falls in Tennessee

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


This year was mostly about right place, right time and right skills which is all we can really hope for as nature photographers. Oh and the right light of course. Many of these photos were done in the kayak which continues to bring me joy and unique opportunities with wildlife. Both of the owl shots were on foot however and it was a privilege to be with such patient birds.

Specific Feedback

Many of these have already been tweaked with earlier suggestions, but have at it if you see areas of improvement.

Technical Details

All shot with my Lumix G9 M2 and various lenses, but mainly the Leica 100-400 f/4-6.3 and handheld. Adobe software as well as Topaz and ON1.

Critique Template

Use of the template is optional, but it can help spark ideas.

  • Vision and Purpose:
  • Conceptual:
  • Emotional Impact and Mood:
  • Composition:
  • Balance and Visual Weight:
  • Depth and Dimension:
  • Color:
  • Lighting:
  • Processing:
  • Technical:

Kris: Your eye for the birds and the intimate scenes is really keen. A marvelous collection from a marvelous talent. You’ve taken great advantage of the opportunities and subjects you’ve encountered and experienced and your images are a cut above. Thanks for all you do at NPN and specifically for how you have helped me as a moderator and contributor. >=))>

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An excellent collection of images, Kris. The birds are exceptional, particularly the owls. And I like the frozen in leaves a lot.

All are super! High ratings for the owls, but my gold star goes to the icy leaves. There is such lovely and subtle texture in the ice and rhythm in the leaves. (But my being so taken with it could be at least partly because I rarely see ice that isn’t in a glass…)

Wonderful collection, Kris. The bird and dragonfly photos are amazing, however, like @Diane_Miller I do love the frozen leaves. Great captures! Looking forward to seeing where your kayak takes you this next year.

Great set of photos, Kris! I especially like all your bird photos and how you’ve shown us their environment.

Nice collection Kris. I love your owl images especially.

Really nice images, Kristen. Didn’t know you were such an accomplished avian photographer. I should venture over to that forum more often. Love the “pose” struck by the eagle. Perfect timing on your part. All excellent.

Love them all, especially the kingfisher and second mating dragonfly shot. I’ll ask churlishly: is there any way of slightly brightening/clarifying the reflection in that second df shot?

These are some superb scenes for the year 2024 Kris. You were definitely in the right place at the right time; especially for the bird images. I love the eye contact and expression of the young bald eagle as well as that of the owls. The dragonfly closeups are amazing; especially the reflections. Your certainly put you kayak to good use. Beautiful work!

Wonderful collection, Kris. I agree with @Ed_Lowe that you were in the right place at the right time and add to that, with the right equipment and loaded with talent. I have enjoyed. Thanks for sharing.

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Thanks @Bill_Fach, @Dennis_Plank, @Diane_Miller, @linda_mellor, @Bonnie_Lampley, @Ed_Williams, @Michael_Lowe, @Mike_Friel, @Ed_Lowe & @Shirley_Freeman - I think I’ve learned a lot about observation skills and how important they are with nature photography and especially wildlife. Stopping to literally soak in the sights and sounds before moving into an area has rewarded me with many of the photos up there. I wasn’t really a bird or wildlife photographer until moving to Wisconsin where the relatively low population makes it much more feasible. That and the the kayak. Here’s a couple more that I love -

Least Flycatcher shot from the deck in the yard where I always hear them and see them way the heck up in the canopy, but by listening I heard one come lower and damn, that light was just sooooo good.

Common Loon found on a lake where I’ve never seen one anytime I’ve paddled there. As I was unloading, I heard it splash very loudly which makes me think it may have been roosting on a small island. If I hadn’t heard that, I might not have been as stealthy and calm when first launching into the water. Since I was pretty sneaky, it wasn’t frightened and I spent about 45 minutes with it just fishing and preening. Fabulous.


Kris, this is a fine collection. Moving quietly into/through nature offers excellent advantages when it comes to seeing the wildlife. Getting close enough to a Kingfisher to get a decent shot is a huge challenge. When you’re not “walking in” as a human, the critters are noticeably calmer and less shy.

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A wonderful collection Kris! Some nice variety there too. Thanks for sharing your wonderful year. Happy Holidays!

Thanks @Mark_Seaver and @John_Williams - glad you liked my motley selections. Kayak stealth is truly a thing and one I’m happy to have in my life.

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