My little mystery

Deep snow is so much fun because it doesn’t leave much visible. This is probably 15-20 inches or so. Some old and mostly filled in tracks gave this a little something in the blankness.

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Too plain?

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Is this a composite: No


Lr for a bit of an exposure bump and the usual whites & shadows boost. A little dehaze brought up what texture there was in the snow. Used a bit more with a brush on the old tracks, too. A touch of sharpening and some spot healing to remove some blemishes on the snow.


Not too plain at all Kris. I really like the simplicity. And the snowed over tracks add a nice touch to the negative space. Well done.

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Well seen and presented! The variability in the snow surface in a very nice touch. I’m enjoying your “snow scenes”.

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Thanks @David_Bostock and @Diane_Miller - I have more, but haven’t put them up because everyone seems to have the doldrums right now, myself included.

Sorry you seem to be having the doldrums, Kris. If this image is what you can achieve when you have the doldrums…well, Wow, just wow. Hope you get out of them soon.

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You seem to excel in these type of images Kris - where less is more! Nice!!