Nikon D750 and Nikon 24-120. ISO 640 F5.6 1/160th. I liked the sea oats at the top of the sand dune on a very calm morning at sunrise. Positioned the sun in the sea oats.
Comments and critiques on a different view of sunrise please
.Nikon D750 and Nikon 24-120. ISO 640 F5.6 1/160th. I liked the sea oats at the top of the sand dune on a very calm morning at sunrise. Positioned the sun in the sea oats.
Comments and critiques on a different view of sunrise please
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Love the sea oats here and they stand out nicely against the ocean waves and sunrise sky. I’m wondering if you captured anything with a lower perspective? You mentioned you positioned the sun in the sea oats… Of course I wasn’t there to know options, but think it would be neat also to nearly fill the frame with the oats and having the sun peek through. Just curious.
I really like this my wish would be to have the horizon line such that either all the sea oat tops are either above - or below the horizon. An alternate suggestion might be to crop the sky a little bit to create a little “sandwich” where the darker sand at the bottom and the sunrise/sky are a little more equal (although clearly the sunrise is much more important than the sand and bottom of the oats.) I’m just get nit picky.
Lovely colors too.
Thanks for the comments. I thought about getting lower with the sea oats but I felt they were too dense to get the ball of the sun clear in the image. I am going to rework it with a bit less sky and darken up the sky left in a bit
Thanks for the considerations Andrew. Your rework is a home run as far as I’m concerned. The prominence of the sunrise is improved, and even still the sea oats were improved even more. I think the repost is outstanding.
Love this one!
Nicely done on both images, Andrew, but the second post is much sweeter. The sky is nice but not an essential part of the image. Minimizing it places greater weight to the rising sun with the nice halo of tones you have captured. The angle of the oats and sweep of the ocean waves gives a nice sense of movement. Well done!
I really don’t have much to add but I wanted to say that I really like this. The layer of grasses is beautiful!