Northern Flicker, Male Red-shafted-Repost

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What artistic feedback would you like if any?


Pertinent technical details or techniques:

(If backgrounds have been removed, etc. please be honest with your techniques to help others learn)
7DII, 700mm, f/5.6, 1/200, ISO800, cropped to 84% of full size. Processed in LR and I cleaned up log in PS as well as a few spider webs.

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A handsome specimen, David. You nailed the focus on the head where it belongs and I like the pose and perch. If you select the bird and give it a touch more sharpening and a bit of a curves layer, I think it would pop from the background better. You have to have a gentle hand on it as it’s easy to make it look overdone.

Excellent BG to go with the Flicker and a nice perch and Head angle…

Here is my attempt at Dennis’s suggestions.

Hi David,
Both versions work for me, but I give the edge to your repost. Flickers are challenging as you rarely get them out in the open. I like the color scheme and the composition is very pleasant. Well done…Jim

Nice job on the repost, David.

Yes the repost stands out a lot better. Wonderful perch and background. You got the colors, detail, and exposure perfect for this shot. Well composed.

Good job on the repost. Good detail and pose and the overall composition is quite pleasing with an attractive perch and complementary background.

Wonderful pose, setting and detail! Well done!