Nuthatch Revisited

What technical feedback would you like if any?

What artistic feedback would you like if any? Comp OK?

Any pertinent technical details:

D500 850mm (600mm f4 + 1.4x TC, 1/640 sec at f8.0, Iso 1600) Original was horizontal so image cropped for vertical to 8x10. Flat profile used in LR, Levels, Brightness & Contrast, DeNoise. I removed my Intuos 3 Tablet from my computer and the rubber stamp tool behaved normally for removing a couple of small OOF sticks. Unfortunately, Wacom has given up on producing Windows 10 drivers for legacy devices. Thanks for looking…Jim

You may only download this image to demonstrate post-processing techniques.!

Nice composition and excellent detail, Jim. The brighter area of the background behind the perch tends to pull my eye to the lower right corner.

Thank you Dennis. I was wondering about the light area. I think I’ll leave it as is…Jim

Nice look at this little guy and good detail, Jim. I like your choice of 4x5 aspect for this. I would go for darkening the BRH triangle a bit, which I think would bring more attention to the subject.

Nice sharp image, pleasing background and I do think the comp works. I agree with the other comments to darken the corner since it’s such an easy change. But this is a beautiful photo as is.

Very nice. Bird looks great, and the perch is a good size for it. I might be wrong, but it looks like your focus is sharpest on the bird’s wing, leaving the head and beak just barely softer than it. So, I’d probably sharpen the head just a touch more. I don’t mind the bright corner all that much, but I agree that it has a tendency to pull the eye.

Hi Lyle,

My best guess is that my focus indicator was placed right behind the head when I pulled the trigger. I selectively sharpened the Tiff file and it looks pretty. Good eye for catching that one. I’ll be heading out to the nuthatch park this morning without the teleconverter and hope to get a few more shots of these guys…Jim

I’ll try darkening the triangle according to the overwhelming consensus provided by the rebviewers. Many thanks …Jim