Old Faithful w rainbow

I had to dig deep into the files to pull out this view of Old Faithful erupting (from 2016). Given the early November date, it was probably the last day of the season when the park was open to car traffic, so there weren’t many visitors. That made getting a shot of OF without a few hundred watchers in the view much easier than normal. (5D3, 70-200 @ 133, 1/200 s, f/14, iso 200, tripod)


Great capture of this iconic event Mark. The gushing geiser looks like the aftermath of a rocket launch! Of course the rainbox is the icing on the cake.

And unlike David’s Icelandic waterfall image, the missing human element is welcome here!


Great capture, Mark. The one time I was able to witness Old Faithful, it was cloudy and windy. Creating horrible conditions for photographing it. Makes your image all the more special for me. Very nicely seen and captured.

The rainbow balances the feeling in yellowstone in such a great way. The geysers and all the mineral water bubbling under you feet and around you always feel foreboding to me and like you are at an alternative scary universe. but this twist of the rainbow makes everything seems so lovely and peaceful. The contradiction between the geyser and the rainbow is very powerful. Great catch!