On a windy Day

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


They reveal themselves

All exciting fall colors

On a windy day

Specific Feedback

All feedback is more than welcome

Technical Details

F4, 1/100, Iso 800, 24-120 lens at 68mm

Ben, this is a fine collection of green & yellows. Your shutter was fast enough to stop the motion, lett ing all of the different textures add to an intriquing scene.

Lovely, Ben. Both the image and your thoughtful words. Thank you for sharing them with us.

Capturing the wind in a still image has been a pursuit of mine as well. I think the bottom grasses do that well. Like yourself, I don’t think blurry images are the answer. Here you have frozen directional movement and I think that maybe that’s the way to go.

@Mark_Seaver , @linda_mellor , @Igor_Doncov , I had my doubts about this one. You helped me to enjoy tis image. Thank you all.