On the rebound

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Shooting the surface of my pond during a rain, I managed to catch this rebound splash. Both my camera and I were wearing rain gear.

Technical Details

R5, 100-500 @ 428, 1/60 s, f/14, iso 6400, tripod with Lightroom’s AI noise reduction applied.

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Oh, I love this! Your timing was perfect. The tiny white drop against the diffuse background is striking. Just wow.

This is gorgeous, Mark. I love all the marbled looking colors and the drop bouncing from the impact is perfectly placed for the composition.

Great timing and awesome abstract image Mark! I like how the rest of the composition seems to point at the splash. Another compositional variation is to crop off the brighter section on the right. I bumped up the contrast and shadows to bring out the great colors. Also increased lights in the tone curve to +20.

MarkWeaver Splash Edit

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Beautiful catch here Mark; very painterly with the pastel hues and with the bonus drop rebound, which adds a lot of interest. Enjoying the lines in the LH side which seem to flow. Looks like a giant amoeba on the right.

I really like the interplay of colours and the effect of the moving water on the reflections. And of course the rebound splash is just awesome! I also like Alfredo’s crop and higher contrast version which has the added effect of increasing the saturation.

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