In the rain

Reflections in a pond on a rainy afternoon.

Specific Feedback Requested

Any and all

Technical Details

Sony 6000, 1/250, f/11, 150mm, ISO4000 with adjustments to tone curves and cropping in LR


I’m not a frequent poster here in Abstract, but I really like this one. Rain does wonderful things and it takes a special photographer to go out in it. I like the variation in the shapes and textures and that there is a wide range of darks and lights to look at. The reflected tree is the anchor. One thing I might try is to raise the whites a bit.

This is really awesome John! I love the concentric circles created by the rain and the patterns of earthy colors. I may crop off the right a bit so that one circle is not right against the edge. Perhaps a square crop or 4x5. Yes I would try bringing up the whites a bit more as Kristen mentioned. Nice work all around.

Thank you both for your thoughts. Here is a version cropped a bit and brightened some.

Love the cropped version although I prefer the original brightness.

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Hi John,

I like the cropped and brightened version better as well.
The colors and the textures are great.
I’m a big fan of ripples, especially if the ripples reflect the color of the leaves and branches as you have here.
Having several ripples from rain drops that overlap each other is chaotic in a way but also pleasing to look at.

Very nice! :slight_smile: