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Pertinent technical details or techniques: Canon 7D, 10-22 @ 10, 1/500 @ f11, ISO 250
A mid-morning shot on an old English country estate where the landscape varies from gently rolling hills to moorland through which pathways provide some marvellous walks.
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Beautiful tree and view of it. Is this the same tree that has the little building off to the left?
It is, Harley - I took this with more growth on the tree and a fuller representation of the trees along the pathway. Decided I really didn’t want the building in this time !! And thanks for commenting.
Ian, this tree has a great shape and the setting, well away from the woods makes it feel like this one is an outcast or doesn’t want to be part of the large group… The greens and yellow greens of spring are nicely telling. Yes, the tree does look familiar.
It is a refreshing, simple and yet extremely intriguing image. It has the majesty of an ancient landscape and of a classic painting. Very well seen and represented…
Ian, I surely recall this tree from your earlier post with the building off to the left also. This scene is so serene to me. It just has that wonderful Sunday in the park feel with the pathway on the right side. The singular tree as the main subject looks very healthy and enjoying basking in the sunlight here…Excellent…
This image is absolutely perfect!
What a great tree, Ian. It’s nicely composed, and the angle of the light is most appealing. Fine subject for the WC.
A lovely composition, Ian, that sets he tree off very well. I really like the angle of the light when you took this.
A tree with a really beautiful shape. Very well composed. I like the color, the clouds breaking up the sky, and the general mood created by this image.
Ian: Love the direction of the light and the shadow especially. Most excellent.>=))>