Open letter to Nature Photographers

Open letter to Nature Photographers

How do you begin, I guess in my case it’s started with an email, stating I had three days to renew my membership in Nature Photographers. Some times you need a nudge to restart your life.
Maybe I should go back to Feb. 15, 2022. Pat received a call from her GI Doctors office, requesting her to go to Hartford Hospital for tests. So we packed up the car and I drove down to the Hospital for what I thought was a MRI and some blood work, hopefully not a really long day. Karma has a way of changing your life. Two weeks later Pat left Hartford Hospital and spent the next two plus years fighting a loosing battle with cancer. For Pat that fight ended at home on March 15, 2024.
In the early part of last summer Pat had a couple of good weeks, so we went up to Maine and I managed a few early morning walks on the beach to photograph shore birds. I also had a chance photograph the city Eagle’s chick, when we returned home from Maine. That turned out to be the last time I picked up a camera, until April of this year.
The transition from the world of hospitals to a kinder and more up lifting one will take some time. The help I am receive from my family and neighbors, has made that step by step process bearable.
Editing images for broadcasting on PBS or photographing birds for my grandchildren has always helped to keep me grounded. I hope in time the ground will start to firm-up. It may take some time before I can devote to the effort needed to properly critique the great photographs that are posted on this web sight. I hope to find that place soon.

Peter J Morrissey


Peter, so very sorry to hear about your recent loss. It is never easy to lose anyone we care about friend or family member. As I’m at the top of the aging charts these days the losses around me seem almost monthly. Again, always traumatic no matter what.
We are here for your return when you’re ready, Peter…the very best to you and your family.

It seems as though there are quite a few of us in the “upper aging charts,” as Paul mentioned. Many of our friends and families are passing away from us. No one can truly understand each others paths, however, Peter, please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Please take care and we do looking forward to when you are comfortable re-joining this community.

I’m sorry to hear about Pat, Peter. It’s a loss I luckily haven’t had to face, though I know many who have. David Schoen and I were just talking about you the other day and wondering how you were doing. Getting back on solid ground will take time, so don’t push yourself to do something you think you should. You’ll get there.

I’m so sorry Peter. I’ve found photography to be incredibly healing when I’ve faced loss. I hope it brings you some solace in these trying times. Take care of yourself.


So very sorry to hear of your loss. Although we’ve never met or talked personally, the idea that you wanted to post here on NPN is quite a tell that NPN is indeed more than just a site to post pictures and get atta-boys. It is indeed a community; a family.

And while we can’t erase the pain and sorrow, I personally think you’re on the right track in keeping Nature photography in your life. It will take some time, but you’ll be back.

Oh Peter, I’m so sorry to hear about Pat! Cancer is such a terrible thing. The pain is hard to work past but it does gradually get better over time, especially with the support of your family and friends. The pain never goes away but I hope you are able to find some solace in your photography.

That’s devastating Peter, and simple words aren’t enough. Hopefully nature and photography can help with healing. I look forward to when when you are able to join us again.


I’m so sorry to hear of your loss. Please accept my condolences.

Perhaps getting out in nature and photography will bring you solace. We’re touched that you let us know and we’ll be here when you’re up to rejoining the conversation. Take care.

Peter - Please accept my condolences. I started posting to NPN while you’ve been “out” with your priorities, so I took a moment to look through your portfolio this evening. I really love many of your egret photos. I’ve had times when it just seemed too hard to take the camera anywhere, but I do know you’ll be able to start up again one day. Again, my sympathy for your loss. :broken_heart: :mending_heart:

HI Paul, Linda, Dennis, David Schoen, David Kingham, Lon, Steve, John and Denise.
Thank you of all your kind words, I hoped to stat posting soon.


Hi Peter,
Sorry to hear about Pat. It’s not unusual for a diagnosis like that to push your creative life into a tailspin where caregiver becomes your new Identity (as it should). .The same happened to me in 2020 when my wife was diagnosed with Multiple Myeloma, an incurable but treatable blood cancer. A good 30-40% of my brain is always focused on her health. She is still fighting that worst of all c-words, and winning so far.

I on the other hand, I’m losing my focus. I have done a couple of workshops to jumpstart my photography but creative spurts are short lived. I think the key is defining a project or perhaps taking a workshop and of course, looking at images here and perhaps doing the weekly challenges. I’m Going to try to do the challenges for few weeks and see if it gets the juices flowing again.

I know creativity is so important for having a sense of purpose and maintaining mental health. At least for me, it’s crucial, and I can feel the impact when it’s not part of my life.

You’ll get there. One foot in front of the other. Clean the gear and touch it. Look through a lens at something. Do self portraits, whatever gets you through it!

Even though I don’t know you, big hug,

Please accept my sympathies, Peter!! Life seems to have its own agenda without consulting us, which I find completely unfair! With some luck, this place and your photography may help. I hope so!

Peter, I’m so sorry for your loss. I’ve missed your cheerful - often humorous - look at the wildlife around you. I look forward to seeing your work again when you feel ready to return.

Dear Peter,
I’m very sad to read of Pat’s death. When you return to photography, we’ll all be here for you. Until then, we’ll be wishing you comfort and hope. Best regards – Michael

Peter I am so sorry to hear you’ve lost the love of your life. I can’t imagine the pain that brings. It is good to hear you have a good support team with members of your family. Although we’re not there to walk with you as you grieve, we at NPN are here to support you as you work to deal with Pat’s incredible loss. I for one have tasted the amazing quality and beauty of your processing work on my recent pelican pic. Thank you for helping make this a wonderful, beautiful community.

Hi Marylynne
Thank you for reaching out to me. My prayers are with you, when we were told Pat’s cancer was incurable and only treatable, everything revolved around trying to be in the best place we could be at that time and all the other at that time.

Hi Diane, Mike, Micheal and Ed
Thank you all for your lovely comments. They help.

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I just saw your post, Peter. I don’t know quite what to say, and words don’t seem enough in the midst of such a huge loss. Your wife’s spirit is with you always, though I know you miss her being by your side. I am thinking of you.

Thank you Mark, for kind words.