Orchid Detail

I usually photograph native flora but this orchid was given to my wife on her birthday. Like a lot of wildflowers I photograph in the field, the closer you look, the more interesting they become.

Specific Feedback Requested

Some artists do not like symmetry (“boring”). It can be overdone but I think it works here. Thoughts? Also, I left a supporting stick in the frame to give it the impression it is supported by it rather than taking it out and letting the flower float in the frame. I welcome any comments.

Technical Details

Canon R5, 100mm macro with ring flash. f/29, 1/250sec. Minor local and global contrast adjustments in PS.

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Ah, how I love orchids. I’ve photographed a number of them throughout the dark times of the past two years, which certainly kept me busy as I learned their intricacies and, perhaps more importantly, how to grow them.


I certainly don’t have any issue with the near-symmetry here. I find the odd looking alien face above the yellow “tongue” to be quite interesting, as well. Have you considered darkening down the primary leaves, particularly the upper middle one? It draws the eye quite starkly. I would also consider doing the same to the white areas on either side of the yellow “tongue.”

Wonderful capture of fascinating structures. I’m not sure I’m that keen on the just-slightly off-centering. though. The structure is so symmetrical, and the vertical pose so formal, I think I’d prefer outright symmetry. If the flower was at more of an angle, then I think a slight off-centering might feel more natural.