
Another attempt at a small scene. To be honest I don’t know if this image works. On my way down from a hike as the sun was still low I saw the shadow of this tree on a rock wall it attracted me so i took the photo.
I tried to edit but keep things clean and simple. I don’t really know if I like it or not. I thought I would hear what the community may have to say :slight_smile:

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It does work. I’ve played with this idea myself. I think it has potential. I would crop to remove that crack that’s near the top and simplify the image.

Shadows are always worth playing with! This works for me, but I second Igor’s suggestion of a crop, although I’d hate to lose much of the shadow. I think it would feel better balanced if the trunk weren’t so close to the edge.

I think the image does work, and the shape of the tree is perfect for this type of image concept. What I like most about this image is that the shape of the tree is pretty ominous looking, like something out of a horror movie.

I agree with @Diane_Miller about wanting to see more space to the right of the tree trunk, it needs some more breathing room. The recent post by @Igor_Doncov “Within Canyon Walls” is a good example of what some extra space near the tree trunk can do for this type of motif.

Lines that are near the edge of the frame, especially parallel lines, can be tricky and attract too much attention. As a result, the crack at the top has a lot of visual weight, and distracts from the shadow below. The tree trunk is a parallel line too, but it’s one that you want the viewer to look at, so it works in that regard.

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