Painted Lady Butterfly

Seen this morning in our garden. My first butterfly shot of the year - glad the season has started!

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Technical Details

Canon 7D mark II, Canon 70-200 f2.8L IS II, 1.4x TC II
ISO 400, f13, 1/160s


Allen, what a beauty. I am glad the season has started too. The pretty pink flowers are a nice addition to this image. Nice details in both the flowers and the BF. Great find and capture. I can’t think of anything that could improve the shot.

Sensational closeup, Allen. Wonderful.

Allen, this is a nice image. Painted Lady Butterflies are so beautiful and, in my experience photographing them, they tend to move fast. You have a sharp photo with a very nice contrast with the pink flowers and leaves in the background. Those things make the butterfly stand out. It surprised me to see you got this at 1/160s. Were you using a tripod or was it a hand-held capture? Very nice image and sharpness.

Hi Egidio, this was hand held. Thank you for the comment!

1 Like

Allen, the combination of sharp butterfly and blooms looks great. The contrasting colors work well also.

Allen: Great start to your season here. Wonderful pristine subject and a fine comp. Most excellent. >=))>

Hi Allen,

I like the cluster of flowers that were left intact in your comp. They provide a solid base for the painted lady and provides a fairly strong comp. Well done…Jim