What is it with me and green bugs lately?
Though I’ve seen these tiny things a few times (less than 1 cm), I didn’t know they were nymphs until recently. As adults they have fully formed wings and are slightly larger. This one was on one of the sheds in the back and I went in for the macro and hoped it would stay still long enough for a shot or two. Because they’re so small, the details aren’t as wonderful as they would be with a larger bug, but I can live with it. This one was pretty much always on the move, scouting for tiny flies or maybe springtails to eat. I believe the folded appendage under the head is what’s used to stab and/or capture prey. I think it unfolds.
They really are this bright and colorful - red eyes just visible without magnification. The antennae move constantly even when the bug itself isn’t.
Specific Feedback Requested
I cleaned away a few bits of OOF debris on the shed roof, but not all of them. Should I have?
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Lumix G9
P/L 45mm f/2.8 macro
f/4.5 | 1/100 sec. | ISO 200
Handheld w/ edge of the rectangular lens hood on the shed lid.
Lr processed for a crop, w&b points, clarity & sharpness. Ps to remove some OOF crud.