Palm tree

The trunk of a palm tree, somewhere in Cuba. No idea what species it is.

Specific Feedback Requested

Nothing specific.

Technical Details

Is this a composite: No
Pentax K5, 4/16-45mm @45mm, 1/160s, f11.


This is just terrific. Very abstract. I don’t think anyone would look at this and say palm tree bark. The texture really turns this into a 3 dimensional image. The range of colors is staggering. Looks like an artists palette. I might darken the right half of the image a smidge but really, I can’t see much that I can offer suggestions on. I think this is the most interesting bark shot I’ve seen posted this week and there have been some good ones. Well seen and captured Han.

Excellent abstract in the patterns and colors. I never would have guessed palm.

I agree with the prior comments and add: it looks like lichen on rock.

Excellent image. Great variety in lichen colours.

Hans, this would make an outstanding puzzle. The range of colors and tones is amazing.