Parting Shot

Sony A77
Sony 70-400G @ 280mm
ISO 100, 1/640 @ f8
I don’t do much B&W but this is one of my favorites. Taken at Great Sand Dunes NP in Colorado on a cold morning in November 2014. This was shot in broad daylight about an hour and a half after sunrise. Converted in CS5 using the channel mixer and a separate layer for the moon. All comments welcome.>=))>


This is the original RAW file. The B&W is flipped horizontally after feedback from an earlier posting on the old site.

Surely can understand why this is one of your favorites. Its has interest in its sand design and the moon draws the viewer into the scene. Exceptional!

The b&w has a completely new feel, Bill. I like the original file, but you relly took it in a whole new direction with the black & white. It’s much moodier and has a distinct other world feel that I like.

Bill, the added drama in the b&w version is an amazing change. I’m sure that balancing the tonality of the moon and the dunes was quite a challenge. I also think that flipping the image has worked well. The b&w version feels like a night shot (although one could wonder where the light is coming from…:grin:) or a view of an alien landscape.

I remember this one from the old site, Bill. The B&W conversion has created an other worldly scene which is simply jaw dropping. I can see why this is one of your favorites; I know it would be if it were mine.

Wonderful, other worldly image. The shapes of the dunes and soft sand, plus their tones make this a beautiful foreground for the moon.

The B&W presentation really brings this image alive. A very interesting juxtaposition of elements.

This is spectacular! Looks like a moonscape.
I like the colour version, but the B&W is several degrees closer to perfection.
I also agree with flipping it horizontally - fine work!

This is awesome. Missed it first time through. So dramatic.

This is a stunning B&W Bill. I am enjoying the otherworldly mood.