I made a short trip to Great Sand Dunes NP in November 2014. On this early morning moonset as I was finishing up I literally had the place to myself. I don’t do much B&W but like the blind squirrel finding the acorn I think this turned out pretty well. All comments welcome. >=))>
Technical Details
Is this a composite: No
Sony A77
Sony 70-400GII @ 280mm
ISO 100, 1/640 @ f8
This is beautiful, Bill! I love the composition and the feel of vastness and emptiness. It’s looks like you’re on a different planet! You captured this perfectly!
Oh my… Yes. This is really nice. Almost ethereal. Great Sand Dunes is a very cool place to photograph nearly year round. Love this in B&W. Great choice.
I have the same reaction as @Vanessa_Hill, that this looks other-worldly. (I’ve been fascinated lately by the images coming from Mars Rover ). Beautiful curvy line leading my eye out to the horizon and the moon. And, I like all the texture and light shadows in the brighter portions of the dunes. Congrats!
I feel like this is one of those images where different people see a different image (i.e. old lady or young lady?). I keep seeing the dark shadows standing out and up, almost like 3D. I keep looking at it trying to get my brain to make them under and not over. It’s rather painterly looking. Very nice indeed. Great Sand Dunes is on my list.
Wonderful!! You caught gorgeous lines and shadows. I concur with @Kris_Smith about a bit off the bottom, and the top feels a bit crowded.
It must have been a focus stack to get the detail on the moon, which was a great idea! The grain works well here, too, giving it an authenticity and providing some “tooth” to the subtle tonal detail.
Bill, I remember a post from you similar to this one (or maybe it was this one…). It’s definitely otherworldly and spectacular. The variety of textures, shapes, and luminosity pull my eyes through the frame up to the moon. Your timing was perfect to get great detail in the foreground and in the moon.
Wonderful. I like your tonal choices for this conversion… the dark skies is echoed so nicely in the shadows on the dunes. Really well done for a scene that might normally be created in a composite.
I agree with Kristen about eliminating the bottom curve. That one dark patch is rather distracting.
This caught my eye because of the velvety texture of the dunes - it’s gorgeous. I’ll agree with the others on snipping off that lowermost dark dune curve. And there looks to be a sensor spot about mid-way along the frame on the far left. But this is spectacular!