Pink Frosting

This is frost on the back window of a red car. I love the feathery patterns.

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Wonderful movement and energy in the ice feathers, Chris. The pink/red coloring makes it look like a fruity ice drink. Very nicely seen and captured.

Chris, the feathery patterns and the red background make a great photo. The diagonal eye movement between the upper left and lower right as the frost gets heavier is interesting. An alternate would be to burn-in the brights in the heavier frost areas and dodge the brights in the lighter frost areas for more even brightness throughout the frame. That would lead to more “eyes swirling” through the entire image instead of the current upper left/lower right diagonal.

Fascinating with wonderful color! I think you could go several ways with this for alternate versions. @Mark_Seaver has a good idea, or you could go the opposite way, possibly with more Clarity or Dehaze. It’s fun to play with a flexible image like this!

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@Mark_Seaver @Diane_Miller @linda_mellor Thank you all for your comments and great suggestions.