There are always moments on my bike rides and walks. And this is one of them.
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There are always moments on my bike rides and walks. And this is one of them.
All feedback is more than welcome
Is this a composite: No
Nice. The flowers add some nice color to the scene and go well with the lush greens.
When I first looked quickly at this image, I thought it maybe deserved the dreaded “you have two subjects here” comment. But upon further review, I don’t think that is the case here, and the image works as presented. Neither the tree alone, nor the poppies work by themselves. The whole is greater than the sum of the pieces in this case. I think it’s because the tree and dune sand create such a strong rightward flow to the poppies. For me this flow ties everything together.
@Ed_McGuirk ,@Michael Lowe, Thank’s for your comments !