Poppy iPhone8

Critique Style Requested: Standard

The photographer is looking for generalized feedback about the aesthetic and technical qualities of their image.


Flora Comedian
Just for fun
This was before I had a digital camera. Taken with my iPhone 8

Specific Feedback


Technical Details

Lumix G9


This is really cool, Steve. It may have been taken with a phone, but you caught this bud at just the right stage to make a very effective image. It looks like there’s some weird stuff going on in the background in the lower left and upper right-did you do some cloning in those areas?

Nice shot. I see what Dennis is talking about. If you crop stem out and rotate 90 to the right, I can almost hear: “Feed me Seymour!”

Steve, this looks like some hairy beast sticking its tongue out. I am glad to know what it is. I see what @Dennis_Plank is talking about. I seem to recall he has a very sharp eye for such details. I don’t think I would have noticed it. Thanks for posting it.

Thanks @Barbara_Djordjevic @Dennis_Plank @Jim_Gavin
I just saw this a fun image so I processed it in about 30 seconds.
Totally missed the bad cloning I did.
Thanks for pointing it out.
@Jim_Gavin - Loved the reference to Little Shop of Horrors

Steve: This immediately reminded me of a poppy bud I watched open several years ago. Observing the stages was fascinating. At the time I didn’t have the capability of doing a time lapse but if I ever get the opportunity again I’ll give it a shot. A fun image indeed and thanks for the memory jog. >=))>

It is fun – good eye and very nice image!! It’s worth cleaning up the clone glitch!